#100DaysOfCode - Day 8

#100DaysOfCode - Day 8

Functions with Prime Numbers and Caesar Cipher


3 min read

Today's lessons were based around the use of functions, adding parameters and using the arguments. Starting with a simple add in a couple of parameters that log to console messages.

# use_parameter.py
def say_hi_to(name, location):
    print(f'Hi there {name}')
    print(f' I hear you are from {location}')

say_hi_to('John', 'England')
say_hi_to('Paul', 'Wales')
say_hi_to('George', 'Scotland')
say_hi_to(location='Glasgow', name='Jimmy')

Following onto a bit of calculation of arguments within a function.

# area_calculator.py
    The code is to determine the number of tins of paint required to 
    cover a specific wall size.
        The paint tin as a fixed amount of coverage coverage        
from math import ceil

def coverage_of_wall(height, width):
    one_tin_coverage = 5 # metres square
    number_of_tins = (height * width)/one_tin_coverage
    tins = ceil(number_of_tins)

    # Output
    print(f'For a wall of height {height}mtr and width of {width}mtr.')
    if tins >1:
        print(f'You need {tins} tins of paint for the job. \n')
        print(f'You need {tins} tin of paint for the job. \n')


Nice simple start to the lessons, going over the basics of getting parameters into a function and working on the arguments. Next up was adding some of the previous lessons to build up the skills.

Prime Number The next task was to build a prime number checker, this is a process I already had right in my head.
Is the number a prime number?
I just read that the excerise was to write a prime number checker.
Then got the head down to work on it without listening to the lesson.
Got it! I wrote the code with an user input to test, then converted it into a function that accepts a parameter check_number.
Finally, as an addition to the lesson, I thought I would build in a little more from the previous lessons with adding in a random number list generator, and iterate over that list.

from os import system
from random import randint

def main_function():
    # Generate a list of 10 integers between 1 - 499
    random_list = [randint(1, 500) for i in range(10)]
    # Check each value in the list
    for i in random_list:

def prime_checker(check_number):
    print("***__Prime Number Checker__***")
    # check_number = int(input('Type in your number \n'))
    for i in range(2, check_number - 1):
        if check_number % i == 0:
            return print(f"Nope \n {check_number} is not prime \n")

    return print(f"The number {check_number} is a Prime Number \n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

As you will see in the code, the generator is in a separate function that calls the checker function. I thought that was a nice way to add in this days lessons to the final code. A lot nicer than just calling the checker function with individual integer parameters.

The major task was to write up Caesar's Cipher. This is something I done in the past. Shifting the alphabet along by a set number so the letter 'a' was encoded to another letter in the alphabet etc. I follow through the lessons, but apart from adding in a negated while loop, I didn't think much of it work through again.
Here is a snippet of the code.

def cypher(start_text, off_set, cypher_direction):
    end_text = ""
    if cypher_direction == "decode":
        off_set *= -1
    for i in start_text:
        if i in alphabet:
            position = alphabet.index(i)
            new_position = position + off_set
            end_text += alphabet[new_position]
            end_text += i
    print(f"Here's the {cypher_direction}d result: {end_text}")